Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Start

I have been wanting to start this Blog all summer and it was going to be about my gardens. But when you get to thinking about it while you don't start your Blog... and the weeks roll by... you realize that there is a lot more to your life then just gardening. There is Mr. G, there are the monster doggies, there is the family, there are friends and jobs. There are also opinions and rants. So I will consider this an online journal to share. Remember the opinions expressed here are all mine and do not reflect the other 7 members of our household. On one item we strongly disagree on is the fact that I do not forgive easily, ever... I explained to Mr. G years ago that I come from a family that never forgave the Yankee's for what they did to the south... still... I am neutral on that one issue but will not be on many others.
So to start things off I thought I might just tell the story of how I met Mr. G, it might help some of you know that there might just be someone out there.

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