The new people had 5or 6 kids, they were very religous (think gay hating biggots). One day soon after they moved in the head sow made a statement that their old neighbors were very happy they had moved away as they did not like the smells. At the time I thought that was a very strange thing to say to a new neighbor and I even asked Mr. G what that could mean... it did not sound good...

Then the shit hit the fan... Mr. G yelled at their kids one evening to keep it quiet, there are times when Mr. G has to get up before the crack of dawn to go to work. Soon the sow was on our front porch accusing a sleepy Mr. G of being a child stalking pediphile and everyone knows that gay guys do this... I came out on the porch and told the sleepy Mr. G to let me handle this...
I then proceeded to tell this white trash, stained sweats wearing, strongly smelling extremly fat sow what I thought of their "lifestyle". I then (after she told me we were damned to hell for eternity) told her that the only thing they had brought to our neighborhood since moving in was a decline in property values besides the stench from their house. She at that point started yelling (on our porch mind you) that we were after her children and she was putting a stop to it NOW. At that point I really lost my (well groomed) cool and told her to get her cock sucking mother fucking white trash ass off our property before I threw her mother fucking morman ass out in the street (see I did need that disclaimer on the top).
Soon the police were at our house, they visited for over 2 hours. The child stalking pediphiles had threatened the lives of the kind hearted christian neighbors who had done nothing wrong. The kind hearted christian neighbors were so threatened the called 911 3 different times before the police came. I no longer like the kind hearted white trash neighbors, they have since been nicknamed "the mother fucking mormans" and are still called that 1 year latter.
Mr. G now talks with them, he says we should put the past behind us... I remind him still about my family & the civil war... I will never forget. I have never had to entertain officers of the law at home before, it is not pleasant. I also find it surprising that the kind hearted God loving neighbors let their children play in our yard whenever we are not home. After what they told the police I would think they would warn their children away from the child stalking gay pediphiles... huh... go figure.
Now you've learned something new today!
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