So to recap; all the garden seeds are ordered except for the Territorial Seed Company and I am getting ansey for the snow to go away (as we all are!) so I can play in the garden again. Some seeds have arrived and more are coming, I ordered from 4 different companies this year... Now if the snow would just go away!
I really love the snow but the gardening is my stress relief valve and I could use the relief these days! Retail nowadays is nothing like 25 - 30 years ago when I was last at it. The main thing that has me totally out of sorts is the fact that almost every single box that comes into the store says "made in China" on it. Not a good thing for our economy in the long run... Mr. Grumpy still is OK with his statement that I can walk away from Lowe's anytime I want and we will get by OK. And that rebate stimulus check "in the mail" is that a joke or what. I can just see my Buyers saying they now have a down payment!!!
On a brighter note I will shortly have 3 agents at the company and our location should be available to us sometime in Feb. so that has me jazzed. And the website is almost ready to re-appear after the parting with RE/MAX! And on a garden note we awoke the other morning to a present from Max...
Yuppers a big steaming pile of shit in the yard, gotta love that guy (from a gardener's point of view). Max has more if anyone needs a load to start with the spring garden, and his price is reasonable too!
Enough for now, I will be showing houses today, and again next week! Funny thang... I need to sell just 3 houses and I will make what it takes me to make at Lowe's in an entire year. OK time to hit the shower and get back to laundry & KP detail...