Stop with the emails, I am trying to stay on top of life!
I have had no time in the garden what with 2 full time jobs and all but the broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, & cauliflower have arisen and are talking to me... Feed us, plant us, take care of us and we will take care of you...

But it was with great relief that a load of Christmas was taken to the Christmas Storage Facility (mom's garage) yesterday (just in time for Easter) and Mr. Grumpy is happier for that fact! As we will be traveling this coming Christmas there will be no decorating (sorry neighbors!). Well except the one family who shall remain nameless (but you know who it is) that have requested we go to mediation before they take us to court or whatever... I shall continue to ignore them and pray for a cosmic event to take them out of our lives...
I requested a late shift at the job that cannot be named place and so far no go, it is a 2 - 11(PM) shift and as this Kevbear fades at around 10PM it will be interesting as I have this shift for the next 2 nights. I had to tell the family that I am working Easter (1st time ever) and will not be able to go to Easter service and have supper with them... no one is happy over that... Funny that a company from North Carolina (read Bible belt) would put the $$$ above religion, go figure huh?
On the ALL STAR REAL ESTATE note I have my lease and we will be moving into the new office on April 1st (no not a Kevbear joke) and I have been very busy on that front with office furniture, insurance, phones, and stress... Here is the new office...

And the view...

And the inside...

I found a source for our name badges and have ordered mine, they are actual western sheriff's badges to tie in with the western them and the star in the company name! They are exactly what I had in mind since the company name was chosen and are toooooo coool!
I had wanted this office since day one as when it was a real estate office way back we had a huge amount of walk-in clients and in this market it will take every advantage I can muster... plus it is 5 minutes from home! Now if I could just quit the paying job... but I like the folks I work with and it is paying the bills so stay I will. I have had an awakening there on how hard it is for young families to make ends meet on low wages. Some of those kids have 3 jobs trying to get by (I did too in my 20's) but had forgotten how hard making a living can be, and I never had a family to support! I have Monday and Tuesday off next week and am hoping to get away from both jobs and get the first of the spinach and lettuce planted... But Tuesday will be at least a half day in real estate so we will have to see.
So thanks for that email (lone reader) to get me back in the saddle and once again riding the blogger range!