I've not been down to the gardens for 2 weeks now which creates a sadness that perhaps this is how the spring and summer might turn out. Life can be about sacrifice and perhaps the thing that brings me the most peace in life will have to disappear until... Well until (and if) our life that we have known these many years returns. In the meantime I will hold down the 2 full time jobs and survive. Mr. Grumpy is doing a great job at home as most of everything has fallen on him to get done. The doggies miss seeing me, and I miss being here at the house... a lot...
So enough of that, here is how things are running for now!
5:00 AM Alarm goes off & Mr. Grumpy is awake (I mumble something?)
6:30 AM Mr. Grumpy leaves for work and wakes me up...
7:00 AM I am into my 2nd cuppa joe and thinking about the shower
8:00 AM +/- I am at the new office getting things finished
9:00 AM talk with Mr. Grumpy on how he (& I) are doing
12:30 PM back to the house for lunch & fix my evening Lowe's meal
1:20 PM leave for Lowe's and talk with Mr. Grumpy on the way
2:00 PM clock in at Lowe's and go to work
7:00 PM take my dinner break and talk with Mr. Grumpy again to say goodnight & make sure he is having a decent dinner
11:00 PM get off work at Lowe's and drive home avoiding drunks & deer
12:00 AM finish winding down kiss the sleeping family goodnight & hit the sack.
I am adapting (surviving) and enjoy most of the folks at Lowe's. It is strange taking orders from people that don't seem to have a clue on management style. But maybe I am getting old & crotchety? I am very happy with the new office and we are at the point of just waiting on the new windows and the computer geeks to come out to wi-fi us and then we will be open! So here are some new pics of ALL STAR REAL ESTATE!!!
Our first dollar earned!
The conference table...
The office...
The rockers on the porch
And our sign!
So it is all coming together and once the computers are up and running we can be open regular hours... and in the meantime Mr. Grumpy, myself, and the doggies will all survive it somehow!
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