Hi my name is Brewster, and I'm a doggie! (The Daddies call us the Kids) I was born right here in our home on February 12, 2001 and my important name is Balmorals Lord Brewster, but everyone calls me Brew. Daddy Rand calls me Brewster the Rooster, I'm not sure why.

Me and my twin sister Camie got to stay with Mom & Dad cause Papa started crying one day. All our brothers & sisters went away, then this buyer lady came and gave Papa a piece of paper, then Papa took Camie & me to a scary place, I think Papa called it The Zets, I'm not sure. When we left with Papa my Mom and Dad were screaming, "no, no, no..." Anyway we got to a place and me & Camie got really scared and we sat on Papa's lap (he has a soft lap!) and we gave him lotsa kisses cause we were so scared. Then an old lady came in the Zets and she was crying and hugging her doggie that was like really old, and she kept crying and telling the Zet people in the white coats they couldn't take her pal cause he was all she had. Then she and the other doggie went in a door, and we got even scareder, cause the other doggie was crying. Then the Zets came and we went in the door too, with Papa, Camie peed she was so scareded, I just held onto Papa real tight. Then a white coat Zet guy came in and when the door opened we saw the old lady again, she was laying in the hallway and crying real hard and holding onto her pal, we all started crying too, I'm not sure why but we were really, really scared! Her pal wasn't wagging his tail any more... Papa took us outta there pretty fast and we drove around till we found Daddy Rand. Papa let us go play on a big lawn and he started crying again, so did Daddy Rand, then we went home and boy were Mom & Dad happy to see us! The buyer lady came again to our house that night and Papa said sorry and gave her the paper thing back, she was yelling and not very nice, then Papa & Daddy promised us we could stay with Mom & Dad forever.

When we were kids no one could tell me & Camie apart cause were twins. I wanted to be more like my Dad Bent cause he's all big & tough. But I was different, I didn't know what to do. I liked watching Lifetime movies for womans, I was great at playing ball & catch and stuff but I was all skinny and still looked like my sister. Then Papa and I had a talk one night after Daddy Rand & Daddy Bent went to bed, Mom stayed up with us too. Papa told me it was OK if I was different, my Mom said she would love me no matter who I was, they kinda figured I might be a gay doggie... I said "NO WAY" and ran off to bed. The next day I joined a doggie gym so I could work out and be all buff like my Daddy Bent. Pretty soon I was different from my sister Camie, but she would still pull my tail and stuff, cause we are twins...

But I am a really good kisser no matter who I kiss! Nobody kisses as good as me, I practice when no one is looking...

Papa has a one little kiss rule but Daddy is good for a total face job when he is sleeping!
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't know if I'm a gay doggie, but I'm OK with that. I get to live with my Mom & Dad & the two best Daddies in the whole world and my Aunt Torie and my sister Camie and my little brother Rippers... and I can kick his ass now that I'm all buff! Life is great here, my Daddy Bent is OK now that he knows I am different. Here is a picture of him & me waiting for Mom to finish eating, we all take turns...

Sometimes Mom can be a little cranky when she's eating so I wait my turn. The Daddies always make sure we have plenty of chow!
I'm really happy I got to stay home, we all have a blast. We have a really fun game that drives the Daddies crazy... we call it Bark At Nothing! One of us will pretend we see something and run to the door so the Daddies have to get up and let us out, then we all run around and Bark At Nothing! It is a blast, here is a picture of me playing the game.

I just love to play! The only thing better is when the Daddies have been gone and we get to see them again. The Daddies are the best, we get to see Papa more then Daddy Rand so we make sure Daddy knows how much we miss him BIG TIME when he gets home!

So long for now!