So last night we had a bit of a gail, maybe even hurricane force winds. Of course I have no idea how strong the winds were as I have asked for a weather center for the computer every year since I had a computer... And the people who tell me I am impossible to shop for never seem to hear that
I WOULD REALLY LIKE A WEATHER CENTER FOR THE COMPUTER, THEY ARE $69.00 AT COSTCO, so I have no idea how strong the winds were... but if I had a weather center I bet we would all know just how windy it was and is outside! The doggies did not want to go out at all and got mad when I started laughing at them. I would boot their furry little asses out the door and a piece of patio furniture would then chase them around, it was pretty funny... maybe you had to be there...

Anyway it has given the boys new peeing targets... And the neighbors have finally found a way to clean up their yard without lifting a faggot hating finger. Yes that is right I am sure they are on their knees this morning giving thanks that all their garbage has disappeared into the unknown... Actually it did not disappear, it came to visit us and is now attached to different things around our once clean yard...
So I will go out shortly and pick up their garbage and deliver it unto an unknown place for it's source, yes, a trash can!
Hmmm... didn't I mention furry asses... and really we should start the week off on the right track...
I would really like to get a tattoo...

I have always worn my boots with jeans, but I guess they go with everything...

OK so now it is time to go deal with the real trash...
I like Kelly's better.....
And FYI - we had a gust at 82mph at 1 AM - so said our weather center.... so you don't need one any more - NOT!
I love that we can now keep tabs on you since you NEVER CALL or EMAIL anymore! Love you guys Give Mr. G a big hug for me
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