Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Westie Wednesday 5
Hi everyone!!! It's me, Camie Girl, yippee I have been waiting for my turn, this is so exciting I could just bark... OK I will!!! barkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbark!
I just love to talk almost as much as playing and jumping, maybe more, I'm not sure but I love to do 'em all... but maybe talking is my favorite thing. Whenever the Daddies ask me something I answer right back, and then a few more times too just to make sure they heard me OK! I love to express myself, I could just go on and on about talking it is so much fun, just ask me something and I will answer you right back! OK, take a breath here... at our house we play games A LOT! My brother Brewster already told you stuff about us when we were kids so I get to talk about ME!!! YIPPEE!!! My favorite game has a couple of different names. Papa calls the game Let's Kill Camie and Daddy calls the game Get Camie Girl!!! I love this game it is so much fun!!! Everyone chases me around the house, I always win cause I can run faster and jump higher then anyone. It is such a fun game I love to play it all day long!!! Then I rest for a little bit so I can play again!!!
My MOM used to be the best jumper, once she caught a birdie right out of the air! I haven't done that yet but I bet I could, yup I just bet I could... Wanna dare me, that would make it a game and I love games almost as much as talking! Once when we were little we saw MOM catch 5 squirrels all in a row!! One would pop it's little head up and MOM would grab it and toss it to her side then she would grab the next one when he looked up to see were the other one went! She got 5 before Papa made her stop, my MOM was really fast when she was my age. I never grabbed squirrels either, but I bet I could, come on and dare me to let's make it a game!
OK Papa says it is late and I need to slow down, but maybe we could play just a little game.... I have a ball stashed around here somewhere, want me to get it we could play catch... that would be fun, huh? OK, OK, Papa says to say my important name is Camelot's Lady Camille and I was borned right with my brother Brewster on February 12th 2001 and my MOM is Elizabeth and my DADDY is Bentley. When Papa goes to sleep I will sneak out and we can talk some more, OK! I just love to talk, almost as much as games... OK talking is really, really fun, wanna hear some more! barkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbarkbark!!!

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