And even though I am not supposed to talk about where I now hang my hat to keep the bills paid, you might get a clue somewhere on this post today...Oh yeah and what a coincidence, I will be in their garden center...
On a down note after my past office was closed my agents went to another company owned office and to spread further holiday cheer they found out they were out a job there too! In just 3 weeks... I should know shortly on office space for ALL STAR REAL ESTATE and be able to offer some a home. I really hate it when people are treated shitty. And they were...
One the second job front I will be starting 2 long weeks of 12 hours days so there might be limited posts here after Monday. BUT the overtime will be great to pay the rent on office space! Gotta go now... new seed catalogues came today... I already placed one order last week (and they already cashed the check) so I know there will be something in the mail soon! And all the asparagus has been ordered so we will have a nice patch after I get this second order planted, it should arrive in April. Since this is a Blog about gardening I figured I ought to mention it every once in awhile... More snow due tonight... YIPPEE (sorry Mr. Grumpy) so I spent the morning splitting and stacking lotsa wood on the porch...
Later Dudes...
1 comment:
and the hint was....?
BTW - your Mom is welcome to "party" with us - she can be Mr G.'s date if you turn into a pumpkin. I expect you at least for dinner, tho!
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