Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Ghost Story part 3
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Burn Day (at last)
And now I can get the burn clothes out of the washer and out on the clothes line. Yes, the weather is still good enough that we can get away without the dryer... And then I will drag my sore carcass down to the new improved orchard area and finish laying out the fruit trees!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Fire Day!
So for right now I will finish my coffee, then make the final decision (Bloody Mary's or Cosmos) on breakfast with muffins and get going. I promise to add pics later... especially if any hot firemen show up!
Ghost Story part 2
It was the following November, we had been in the house for almost a year. Mr. G was home alone; he had taken a shower in the guest bathroom. As he walked out the door slammed shut behind him. Now there is one thing about this room… there is no window, there is not even a heater vent to create a draft… nada… He jumped and turned around to look, he was freaked, the door was shut. He opened the garage door and headed out … pronto… then that door slammed shut behind him, again no draft possible. He did not believe in ghosts. When I got home he had Christian music blaring and was trying to anoint the doors with oil. Things quieted down again for awhile after that. I wanted to see the ghost!
The following June I got a taste of her… Mr. G was in the kitchen, the doggies were in the kitchen. House rule; when a Daddy is cooking there is a chance of food falling from the sky (especially if a doggie trips the daddy) so the doggies stay around when we are cooking. I walked into the living room to turn on the evening news. We have 7 or 8 old books on the entertainment center along with other stuff. I was standing about 6 feet away with my back to the TV when I heard a loud bang behind me. Doggies came running out of the kitchen barking, I turned around, the one red book was laying face down about 4 feet from the entertainment center. It had come from the middle of the row of books; all the other books were still in position…
The doggies kept watch. We were not alone…
Friday, October 26, 2007
1) Stop paying someone to run their office in a bad economic climate.
2) Figure out what you love to do & how to do it well & make $'s at it.
3) Consult with mentors & folks that you trust to give you sound advice.
4) Consult with Attorneys & CPA to get it right legally.
5) Create a corporation per advice from #'s 3 & 4 above.
6) Create a name that you & others that you care about can live with.
7) Fill out Walmart Greeters application (just kidding)
8) Meet with Bankers & get turned down to keep you grounded firmly in reality.
9) Meet with sign & stationary people to get it the way you want it.
10) Meet with potential landlords because a dining room table is not an option.
11) Let people know that even though this is a scary thing you honestly feel you are doing the right thing for all the right reasons.
12) Pray through all the above steps.

OK so this is where I am headed. There have been little things along the way these past 2 weeks that have enforced my belief that I am doing the right thing. Like the glass company called and mentioned I had a print there (for a year) being framed... it was a present from my very first clients (when you see it you will understand). Like getting a great & easy to remember office phone number 923-6321. Like calling my toll free provider and getting 1-877-923-6321 as my toll free office phone number. And mostly knowing that there are a lot of folks out there rooting for me and my new company... ALL STAR REAL ESTATE, inc.
So at this point my real estate license is pending in Salem (but they charged my Mastercard Tuesday?) And then I can re-join the MLS ($2,000!@$?!). And then I can...
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What The F@*K
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Loosing Stuff

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I think I have reset the right control so now anyone can respond & leave comments.
I just know that thousands of you have been really upset that you had to do all that Google stuff just to tell me how great the blog is... so I hope this now makes it easier for comments!

Back to today. Mr. G went to Costco and got the new fantabulous snow & ice tires. Yesterday they told him 2 hours, it snowed last night... it was 5 hours. Everyone wanted the new fantabulous tires. The hybrid is now even more PC, we are going studless (tires only involved) Mr. G also brought home a surprise (for the doggies) yup, Mom's doggies are visiting. So far no major brawls... I had a wonderful day working out in the garage (told you so) getting it in shape as doggies winter condo.
I hope the appreciate their little winter getaway...
Tomorrow the excitment continues, we are going to the dump!!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
This was (told you so) also the day I started in on cleaning the garage and getting it ready for the doggies winter condo. Mr. G worked on the house. I also cleaned up the garden shed so there was someplace to put all the tools from the garage & the lawnmowers. The boys love to chew the pullcords off the power tools each winter. What can I say, Boys will be Boys...
Mr. G did mention once or twice that since I let Housekeeper go there seems to be a lot more things we need to do around the house. Lucky for me we lay Gardener off each fall so I get away with no complaints there... But... with the current real estate market and me being a Realtor I really felt we needed to cut back somewhere. I overheard Mr. G on the phone saying we were also cutting way back on Christmas this year (WHAT!) so it looks like I will be on a street corner soon... Should I sell it by the inch or by the pound???
My all time favorite actor is on right now and it is becoming harder to concentrate...
When Tim Burton and Johnny Depp team up you just get some amazing movies. And this one is one of those Christmas crossovers that you can catch all year. I was always more of a Cary Grant kinda guy but I think Depp has only scratched the surface of his acting at this point. And while mentioning movies last night this was on and I just have to stay up and watch the Milan scene...

Tomorrow Mr. G is going to get those new snow & ice tires for the Hybred at Costco and will be bringing Mom's 2 little monster (some of our puppies) doggies for a visit while she is off on a road trip. 84 & on the go, hope I will be so lucky in life... of course I do have Mom's genes, no wrinkles yet! And tomorrow I will continue to work on that damn woodpile & the garage (sigh). Chance of snow tonight... OK a very small chance...
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Ghost Story part 1
It was seven years ago on Halloween that we started work on the house. We had heard that the woman who lived here before (it was an estate sale) had died. We later learned she had died here in the house. She had smoked, a lot. The other Realtor who had represented her estate told us it took 3 months to get the house clean enough for anyone to see it… And so we started to clean more…
Mr. G could not get here everyday so it fell to me to rip up the old carpets and start the painting before we could move in. After we started to paint we realized that we needed to seal the walls, the nicotine bled thru the paint. So I got shellac and got to it. We had an electrician and a drywaller coming in too as we fixed and patched, but for the most part I was here most afternoons alone.
We somewhere got the impression that the old woman (as she was soon called) had died in the living room. I would work until 2-3 each day then head to the house to seal & paint until well after dark. It was on one of those late afternoons (almost fully dark) in mid November that we got the first hint that there was something different about the new house. I was almost done with the sealing and painting the hall & the inside of the linen closet, all the interior doors were off the hinges and stacked in the garage. I was alone in the house. Just across the hall from the linen closet is the guest bath, I was sealing the walls of the linen closet. Shellac smells… it is overpowering. I was facing into the closet using the roller when I heard someone exhale a deep breath behind me in the bathroom doorway and I was enveloped in the smell of a cloud of smoke… I took a very deep gulp, counted to ten, put down the roller and turned around, there was no one there… I left, fast…
When I told Mr. G that night what had happened he chalked it up to fumes in a small area, he did not believe me. I kept going back and kept up the schedule, but left each day before dark. The new carpets were put down, the new front door & garage doors were installed. We moved in Thanksgiving weekend 2000, it was snowing and very cold.
We were very happy. The doggies were not, we only had 3 doggies back then. They would stand at the end of the hall looking down the dark length and growl… Mr. G still did not believe, he said they were just adjusting to a new place. I knew better.
Winter went on; spring was a hint in the wind when we learned where she had died. The neighbors told us one afternoon. They had noticed the mail piling up in her box. She was not a great neighbor so everyone left her alone. They figured when the police broke into the house with the paramedics she had been dead around two weeks. She had died sitting on the head in the guest bathroom… across the hall from the linen closet, in June 2000...
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Fall is?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The News Sucks

Mr. G is heading out tomorrow with Mom (they love going off together) and even tho I am invited to go along I would like to get started on that damn woodpile and get the fall garlic planted. Also there are hundreds of potatoes that need to get dug up! The weather reports are looking more like winter and less like an indian summer at this point... Plus those of you who read this (and never post comments) know I am firmly in the mind that things will keep going downhill in our nation and a garden is a very smart idea! And the burning season has started and we need to get the last of the dead trees and brush burned so I can plant the last of the fruit and nut trees. And there is always the chance that we will have too big a fire and the firemen will show up!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
It's UP!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
I need to get a wireless thingy so I can get my puter (on the dining room table) up and running so you can all see the (drum roll) NEW OFFICE! Yes, I broke down, shoved over the tasteful fall display (in an antique silver bowl Martha Stewart would love) and set up the puter... at 7:00 AM no less! Now as most of the world knows Kevbears love to hibernate in the early hours, so I am not expecting this to be an everyday happening... But I am a very excited Kevbear at the moment, 'nough said... And Mr. G is very happy if the Kevbear is awake and alert enough in the wee hours to string some words together that appear to be coherent while he is leaving for his blood-sucking, slave wages job.
I am meeting my old Broker Michael that trained me into the biz for some brain storming (this is a hint) and lunch today. Yes it is true even Walmart greeters need sound advice before venturing into the exciting world of greeting people with a minus 100 level of fashion sense. AND we all know what this Kevbear would say to those shoppers in sweats & fuzzy slippers... even with training...
On a brighter note the mother fucking mormans next door are currently building a big (without permits) structure just off our master bedroom. It looks suspiciously like another barn for more livestock. In watching it closely (and taking plenty of pics) Mr. G thinks it could perhaps be a storage building as their religion has told them to keep an ample food supply for the end times (just before they are wisked off to a planet just for themselves). I have to wonder will the livestock be wisked away too? I need to do some research on that... Mr. G thinks we should turn them in as they already have 1 illegal barn for their fowl within 60' of our house. I am more of the mind set that we should wait until it is completed and filled with whatever and then calls the mounties to come and get it moved, it will be much more expensive and harder that way! Mr. Grumpy says I am pure evil... I remind him of the yankee story, these mother fucking mormans did us wrong (Mr. G almost went to jail that night!) and I will never forget that... ever...
Mr. G has all next week off, yes I know I already told you that... BUT this morning he put a scare into the Kevbear by saying the unthinkable "maybe we should go thru the garage". I shot up in bed, doggies flying in all directions, "and he added "I thought that might wake you up"... I grabbed MY remote (it is a talsman!) and said "but mr. G I thought you were going to the coast by yourself". "Well he went on, the garage could use a good cleaning and we could get rid of a few things" I quickly grabbed the lead and said the undeniable, "like vacumn cleaners?" "No" he said "there are not that many out there, really you make it out like we have a lot of them to everyone". Being good at math and now fully awake I did a quick mental tally and said "From where I am laying in bed there are at least 15 vacumn cleaners with 20 feet of me" Mr. G immediately "countered there are not" and went into the den to count and came back to add, "you are wrong... there are 16, so there"... Now this does not count the guest bedroom or the garage VC's. But he loves to collect them, so he can keep going as long as we have room to walk (hope he never reads that statement). AND we all know when grumpesorius erectious poopacacaous nictotinus (full name) says "we should" he actually means Kevbear!!!
Sorry for no pics today but after the brain storming (there's that hint again) I will try to get to Bend to get the wireless thingy to get my puter online. After all there are the hairy cut pics and a pic of the NEW OFFICE!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
hits the fan
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Hump Day

I am sure with the right curtains our little nest would be just fine...
I have not slept well all week as I worry myself into a wrinkle or two... I know, I know, you are all thinking at his age, a wrinkle??? But even with being the perfect guy that everyone has wanted for years (sexually) there might someday be a wrinkle appear somewhere... Mr. G says it is being a redhead, I say it is good genes and no kids and youth, after all there is that underwear model job and well with my bod...
Monday, October 8, 2007
This weekend brought one change in our lives... Mr. G read the blog... I left him alone (he was after all in the sacred den) and every so often he would laugh, or snort, or make other noises which I took to mean he liked my words. Then he came out of the hallowed sanctury... and said " everyone will think I am grumpy if they really think I am a Mr. G". I did my best to not grin and laugh... and gave him a big Kevbear sized hug and said "well dear you are an asshole, and there are times when you are a tad grumpy when you get home from work". And besides I went on " everyone knows that you don't use real names in a blog". He actually bought it!!! AND I did promise to write that he is (most of the time) a great person that I could not live without. We will forget the first hour each evening when he returns from his slave wage, humanity killing, whip cracking job and I leave him alone to decompress. Every once in awhile I do forget and have to run to safety... Let it be said here and now "MR. G IS A GREAT GUY", there, glad that's over with!
I am pretty happy with the way things are going... and other then all that grey showing in my beard (thank you Mr. G) I am sure our lives will settle down in a few weeks... My dear friend Hilary came by Saturday for a visit and other then the fact that she took MY TV remote and proceeded to flip channels like a Kevbear we had a great time!
Mr. G was kind enough to later point out that I can be rather possesive about MY remote and never let even him touch it. And he said it spoke to my true feelings for sweet Hilary that I did not lunge and attack her like I do him when touches MY remote... hmmm...
I was going to write about our haunted house today (we have a ghost) but Mr. G thought I should write something more uplifting like "HE IS A WONDERFUL, UNDERSTANDING, EMOTIONALY SUPPORTING, GREAT GUY". (I hope this is the end of this) So I said I would put off the ghost story until almost Halloween and say something upbeat about Mr. G. There is also something amazing that has happened (I have walked on water for years so no it's not that) Mr. G has found a place he likes to go to on the way home to "pick up a few things". The new bloated super Walmart is on his way home and he likes to go in there... amazing... so now I can call him and ask him to "pick up a few things". We have found we like their pizza...
with just a little doctoring it tastes OK. And it was going to be my lunch today but while dear sweet Hilary was abusing MY remote she also ate the leftover pizza ( I helped a little too). OK back to packing up the desk... later dudes...