I am sitting here tonight in the dining room at my temporary desk (another hint?) while there is something scary on TV. Brewster (Gay Lifetime watching doggie) and his Mom, Elizabeth are crashed out on the back of the couch. Sometimes Ripley (Joe Jock) stays out here too, depends on whats on the tube. Hmmm... can we still call it the tube? Am I dating myself (other then in the shower that is) sorry ladies.. guy joke... Have a nice fire burning and just went to get a log off the porch. OK here is a Kevbear thing... there is a big iron cauldron beside the wood stove full of wood but after looking at the fire and my wood assortment I decided to go out and get a different log... which brings us to windows (subject title above).

When I went out to get the log there were loud boisterous noises coming from crazy neighbors house, intriguing. Crazy neighbor has fought with almost everyone on the street. My turn came when she called the county & the police because my new woodshed was endangering her vacant lot. The wood could spontaneously combust and burn her vacant, weed infested lot down. Because I did not get a permit I agreed to move it (it is now a wonderful garden shed). But while all this was going on she would come to the 2 strands of wire she had put up to keep us away and scream at me. Sometimes I screamed back, most times I told her to get back on her medication. I put up a 6' tall fence, she called all the authorities again that the fence was on her property, they came to look, she took photos of us all. What crazy neighbor did not know that was in a snowstorm I had the line surveyed so the fence would be a few inches in on our side, crazy neighbor has gone on to hate a new neighbor, she claims he is stalking her... The reason I put the woodshed where I did was because we were pretty sure she would stand in her fire prone bare lot and stare in at the gay people. This was confirmed when a while back she mentioned someone in this house danced naked in the living room. I like to think of it as exercise, Mr. G thinks it could scare people... So now there is a tarped 6' high woodpile along the fence line, take that nutszoid neighbor. BUT she now has a guest, we have heard a grandson. He races his car up and down our quiet street, tonight there are party kinda noises coming from the crazy house. When her daughter stayed with her long ago the daughter punched out crazy neighbor. So I have some questions that will never get answered...
1) What guy would ever breed with crazy neighbor? (she looks... well crazy!)
2) Were multiple bags involved in said breeding?
3) Why did the daughter not finish the job started?
4) Is grandson a chip off granny's block?
5) Will grandson finish the job? (See 3 above)
6) Why does crazy neighbor like Mr. G? (birds of a feather? Just kidding Mr. G.)
Which brings me back to this blogs title... I am sitting in the dining room with a window in front of me which looks right at nutszoid neighbors house. Is she out the in the darkness watching?

Back to today. Mr. G went to Costco and got the new fantabulous snow & ice tires. Yesterday they told him 2 hours, it snowed last night... it was 5 hours. Everyone wanted the new fantabulous tires. The hybrid is now even more PC, we are going studless (tires only involved) Mr. G also brought home a surprise (for the doggies) yup, Mom's doggies are visiting. So far no major brawls... I had a wonderful day working out in the garage (told you so) getting it in shape as doggies winter condo.
I hope the appreciate their little winter getaway...
Tomorrow the excitment continues, we are going to the dump!!!
1 comment:
#1 - Where did it snow last night? Not at my house!
#2 - Did the doggies get the nice cookie jar filled with goodies?
#3 - You need to clarify that you have, 2, not 1, but, indeed, TWO crazy neighbors! How did you get so lucky? BTW, I caught said crazy neighbor looking in my not-so-crazy neighbor's mailbox the other day. Hmmm. So, do you want to call them south crazy neighbor and north crazy neighbor?
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