Normally I would have posted last night but this
Kevbear was way too tired and sore, so that by the time we finished burgers we were ready for bed...
I started the morning off right for a Sunday burn day brunch with the breakfast of champions!
The before... getting ready... After some discussion we decided the pile was too big and we drug a bunch of branches off the pile.

Burn,baby, burn...

Junipers can fight back...

The after... no brush pile and all the junipers
limbed up to give the fruit trees room to spread out. Eventually the junipers will all go the new orchard area is now 90' by 100'!

Pre-dinner relaxing after we hit the showers.

While we were burningthe brush, the sheets were in the wash so when we were done it was fluff the feather bed and get ready for some great
sleepkins. Of course I was so tired I slept like shit...
And now I can get the burn clothes out of the washer and out on the clothes line. Yes, the weather is still good enough that we can get away without the dryer... And then I will drag my sore carcass down to the new improved orchard area and finish laying out the fruit trees!
Good grief! YOu really nailed yourself with that limb... didn't your mommy ever tell you to wear long pants and sleeves when fighting with trees? They have a real attitude sometimes about being burned at the stake!
you pyro, you!
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