Saturday, October 13, 2007


Here it is Saturday and I'm at home in my robe!!! 2 full nights of sleep, YAHOO!

I need to get a wireless thingy so I can get my puter (on the dining room table) up and running so you can all see the (drum roll) NEW OFFICE! Yes, I broke down, shoved over the tasteful fall display (in an antique silver bowl Martha Stewart would love) and set up the puter... at 7:00 AM no less! Now as most of the world knows Kevbears love to hibernate in the early hours, so I am not expecting this to be an everyday happening... But I am a very excited Kevbear at the moment, 'nough said... And Mr. G is very happy if the Kevbear is awake and alert enough in the wee hours to string some words together that appear to be coherent while he is leaving for his blood-sucking, slave wages job.

I am meeting my old Broker Michael that trained me into the biz for some brain storming (this is a hint) and lunch today. Yes it is true even Walmart greeters need sound advice before venturing into the exciting world of greeting people with a minus 100 level of fashion sense. AND we all know what this Kevbear would say to those shoppers in sweats & fuzzy slippers... even with training...

On a brighter note the mother fucking mormans next door are currently building a big (without permits) structure just off our master bedroom. It looks suspiciously like another barn for more livestock. In watching it closely (and taking plenty of pics) Mr. G thinks it could perhaps be a storage building as their religion has told them to keep an ample food supply for the end times (just before they are wisked off to a planet just for themselves). I have to wonder will the livestock be wisked away too? I need to do some research on that... Mr. G thinks we should turn them in as they already have 1 illegal barn for their fowl within 60' of our house. I am more of the mind set that we should wait until it is completed and filled with whatever and then calls the mounties to come and get it moved, it will be much more expensive and harder that way! Mr. Grumpy says I am pure evil... I remind him of the yankee story, these mother fucking mormans did us wrong (Mr. G almost went to jail that night!) and I will never forget that... ever...

Mr. G has all next week off, yes I know I already told you that... BUT this morning he put a scare into the Kevbear by saying the unthinkable "maybe we should go thru the garage". I shot up in bed, doggies flying in all directions, "and he added "I thought that might wake you up"... I grabbed MY remote (it is a talsman!) and said "but mr. G I thought you were going to the coast by yourself". "Well he went on, the garage could use a good cleaning and we could get rid of a few things" I quickly grabbed the lead and said the undeniable, "like vacumn cleaners?" "No" he said "there are not that many out there, really you make it out like we have a lot of them to everyone". Being good at math and now fully awake I did a quick mental tally and said "From where I am laying in bed there are at least 15 vacumn cleaners with 20 feet of me" Mr. G immediately "countered there are not" and went into the den to count and came back to add, "you are wrong... there are 16, so there"... Now this does not count the guest bedroom or the garage VC's. But he loves to collect them, so he can keep going as long as we have room to walk (hope he never reads that statement). AND we all know when grumpesorius erectious poopacacaous nictotinus (full name) says "we should" he actually means Kevbear!!!

Sorry for no pics today but after the brain storming (there's that hint again) I will try to get to Bend to get the wireless thingy to get my puter online. After all there are the hairy cut pics and a pic of the NEW OFFICE!

1 comment:

High Desert Living said...

Hey, Kev, tell Randy that we have 2 VC'c that we no longer use.......