Yes, I knew you would all be excited to know that I am now safely back on my very own (work) puter setup here in the dining room!

Mr. G took one look at it in the daylight and spent an hour cleaning it up and lecturing me on the dangers of dust on and in a computer... it is now strangly clean and runs better, weird... After just 3 hours talking with a guy who's name I cannot pronounce (let alone spell) in what sounded like India I am now online anywhere's in the house. I tried myself to do it alone (the directions (yes, I did read them) sounded easy) which was a bad time for both myself & Mr. G... Thank goodness for India guy, it could not have gotten done without him! And now we have pics back!!! It is 9+PM now and Mr. G and the kids are all nestled in our bed with visions of
hot naked hairy guysdancing in their heads...
Yesterday was a great success with the mentors! I was sorry I had ever left their company and (of course) I had them pose for a blog pic...

Mike & Miriam... 2 folks who helped make Kevbear the Realtor he is today (is that a hint?). And after leaving them I met Mr. G in town at Deacon & Hilary's (the remote stealer) for a great curry dinner and too much wine (but lot's of good talk!).
After the grueling wi-fi thingy was done I headed out to plant the last of the daylillies and water so there was a brief outdoor advent where I did snap a pic of a Bambi wandering by looking longingly over the fence at my safely protected plants!

There is now a nice fire burning to keep us all snugly warm tonight in the woodstove, no the damn woodpile is still not split & stacked...
And now the long awaited hairy cuts pics (drum roll going), Mr. G says I am going way too far with the camera, but if a pic is worth a 1000 words just thinks of the time I'm saving! So without further ado (yes Barber comes to the house for our hairy cuts) here are the pics!!!

"Who wants to watch Wheel of Fortunes when the daddies are getting clipped!"

"Now can you see the nose hair I am talking about?"

Clippers, a drink & a stoggy, this guy is a multi-tasker!

The hero being humble after all the hairy cuts are done!
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