Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A night out.... NOT

Tonight is a function that we are required to go to for business... it is from 5-8. Spouses (Mr. Gs) are not invited, dinner will not be served. Drinks & appetizers will. Others will have to buy their drinks, our company is buying ours. Others have paid $50 a ticket to go, ours are comped. We will carpool as it is an hour away to save on gas.

I hate going to these things... I think most people do... My kids will miss me...
They will be looking off the deck thinking where oh where is Papa (I am Papa, Mr. G is Daddy). I will run home shortly to change & say hi to the kids...

Mr. G will go to bed without "little kisses" and because of this he will be living up to his nickname (No not ?), his other nickname (Mr. G). I was told this AM I did not need to attend for reasons we will talk about soon but I really feel I should be there to "support the troops". Mr. G might just have the first fire of the season without me!!! It is getting colder each night now. So I am hoping there will be something positive about tonight, like the woodpile fairies came and stacked all that damn firewood?

Or there will be a competition for major hotie of the night and I will win? We will just have to wait & see....

On a brighter note! Today I emailed most of my friends that there is this blog here so maybe I will get a comment? Has anyone found me yet? Is this the worst blog out there? Is there an award for worst blog? What if I am nominated!?! Oh shit, there goes the afternoon... time to stop and eat my orange...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there you - Your pal Hilary here. Are you guys going to Bend for the fall Festivval this weekend? I want to go with you.