Yesterday was the worst so far this week. I was given my walking papers an extra 2 days early and once again the boss sent a minion to do the dirty work, so I signed my termination papers yesterday... THEN half way home Mr. G called... What many do not know (and it has been proven time after time) is the Lucy Principal applies to me. If there is ever a way that a person (other then Lucy) can manage to take a simple thing and totaly screw it up to where you are laughing your ass off it is yours truely. It is always funny in retrospect... anyway... So, as I left the house yesterday morning it was still raining a bit, the doggies looked very forlorn outside, so me (being a Lucy), with only the best intentions left the sliding glass door open so the kids could come & go. No biggy, doggies had the TV on and would be happy and I trotted of to work...

What I had not thought about was we live next door to a dump these days. And turkeys, goats, chickens kept in small unclean pens attract flies... Now I had honestly thought that all the flies had died as we have had at least a week of below freezing nights. That's how it works, winter starts, bugs die... Except for the flies that stay at the dump next door, manure breeds warmth (and flies) so I was very surprised when Mr. G called screaming (kinda) and frothing at the mouth because the house was full of flies. I was almost home. I did think of fleeing the country, but then I thought, "well there can't be that many flies around".

So the first thing I did (after ducking a right cross) was gasp when I walked in the door. For every square foot of ceiling, wall, cabinets, furniture, there had to be at least a half dozen flies. We guessed that there were over 600 as we started the hunt. First I had a scotch (Mr. G was having a great time with the vodka). Then with fly swatter and vacumn cleaner we got to it...

It took almost 2 hours, it was dark out... The doggies were outside (fly swatters are scary things) and stayed out before we had the infestation somewhat under control. We had a late dinner... Mr. G forgave me as he understands the Lucy Principal. The doggies came in and we settled down for the evening, killed some more flies every so often... This morning we killed a few dozen more.
Last night I slept a total of 4.5 hours... sleep has not been easy this week. There is also this knot in my tummy that has been around all week... Maybe I should not have asked for that raise on the 1st??? Whatever, I have been treated poorly... This morning I stopped (for the last time) to get the office mail on my way in... there was a large packet, "what the?". It was my award for 5 years of outstanding service and loyalty to the company... figures... I sent it on to the ex-boss (heh, heh, heh...)
All said and done, I am doing the right thing and when you wake up to this view of fresh snow on the mountains as you sit on the front porch... you just know that the Lucy Principal also ends happily and life will get better! (soon please!)

Now to put the puter in the car and go get a hairy cut!
And to quote Scarlett... "I'll think about it tomorrow... tomorrow is another day"
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