Monday, October 8, 2007


Here it is Monday and I got the word that I will be gone Thursday, not Friday and I am in shock... First I thought I would have plenty of time to find the perfect thing to do, then I thought well at least I have a week to pack up my office, now it is only 4 days!!! Luckily I am a very organized person (NOT) and packing up will be a breeze... We are also going thru the where to put the office at home discussions. Mr. G votes for the dining room (and I have already figured out that he will hound me to keep it tidy) and I vote for some space in his very sacred den. Now I am all for the fact that everyone needs their own space, and granted the den has always been the Mr. G zone, and he does fuss when I sit (pounce on) his couch that I mess up the cushions... I find this kinda hard to swallow as when he had the couch redone he had them put the hardest foam possible (think Fred Flintstone furniture) so it would last longer. I am sure it will last well past us...

This weekend brought one change in our lives... Mr. G read the blog... I left him alone (he was after all in the sacred den) and every so often he would laugh, or snort, or make other noises which I took to mean he liked my words. Then he came out of the hallowed sanctury... and said " everyone will think I am grumpy if they really think I am a Mr. G". I did my best to not grin and laugh... and gave him a big Kevbear sized hug and said "well dear you are an asshole, and there are times when you are a tad grumpy when you get home from work". And besides I went on " everyone knows that you don't use real names in a blog". He actually bought it!!! AND I did promise to write that he is (most of the time) a great person that I could not live without. We will forget the first hour each evening when he returns from his slave wage, humanity killing, whip cracking job and I leave him alone to decompress. Every once in awhile I do forget and have to run to safety... Let it be said here and now "MR. G IS A GREAT GUY", there, glad that's over with!

I am pretty happy with the way things are going... and other then all that grey showing in my beard (thank you Mr. G) I am sure our lives will settle down in a few weeks... My dear friend Hilary came by Saturday for a visit and other then the fact that she took MY TV remote and proceeded to flip channels like a Kevbear we had a great time!

Mr. G was kind enough to later point out that I can be rather possesive about MY remote and never let even him touch it. And he said it spoke to my true feelings for sweet Hilary that I did not lunge and attack her like I do him when touches MY remote... hmmm...

I was going to write about our haunted house today (we have a ghost) but Mr. G thought I should write something more uplifting like "HE IS A WONDERFUL, UNDERSTANDING, EMOTIONALY SUPPORTING, GREAT GUY". (I hope this is the end of this) So I said I would put off the ghost story until almost Halloween and say something upbeat about Mr. G. There is also something amazing that has happened (I have walked on water for years so no it's not that) Mr. G has found a place he likes to go to on the way home to "pick up a few things". The new bloated super Walmart is on his way home and he likes to go in there... amazing... so now I can call him and ask him to "pick up a few things". We have found we like their pizza...

with just a little doctoring it tastes OK. And it was going to be my lunch today but while dear sweet Hilary was abusing MY remote she also ate the leftover pizza ( I helped a little too). OK back to packing up the desk... later dudes...

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