That I awoke to a snowy morning. Even if it was just a dusting it was still a wish fulfilled! And then I had some good strong coffee...
With just a dollop of the good stuff (clog 'dem arteries boy!) while Mr. Grumpy made breakfast, yum, yum gotta love dem Eggo's! We had to git to the big city to meet up with some vacuum cleaner sales guys that showed up last night on the doorstep...
Normally I would not just open the door to strangers still wearing clothes but they seemed like a nice pair and they hit me with a major weakness... something free if I would just let them in...
And for the most part they got to keep their clothes on... but they did point out how dirty our carpets were that I had just vacuumed, and they were even nice enough to leave me evidence...
But finally they went away. So we met them this AM to see about buying some used VC's for Mr. Grumpy's collection but then we passed on the idea. So then we went to see some homes hitting the auction block soon and then on to the Kevbear dream factory (Costco) where we bought dog food. We then headed to Best Buy where Mr. Grumpy had promised to buy me the complete AD FAB collection on DVD. But the kid there looked like we were a couple of trolls and said they had not carried that for years... sigh... I assured Mr. Grumpy that the steaming pile of shit he bought me was enough of a present and off we went to my surprise luncheon party!
I tried to find something nondescript to wear as I hate standing out in a crowd... And we arrived at my fav Mex Rest to meet up with hundreds of my closest friends and I was thinking probably some more paparazzi... I knew it was gonna be a blast with the start of the stale chips...
And the hoards of adoring friends turned out to be my bud Brenda...
And of course Mr. Grumpy...
Who kept telling me how great I was and how much he loved me and how special he thought I was making for a scene in a public place. My good buddy Pam was there (see group pic) who was the great gal who started the idea out of my scores of friends all meeting up for a luncheon... Mr. Grumpy forgot to give her a list of friends... sigh... But I was having a great time!
And the food was sublime...
And I did get presents... and then they brought out the special birthday boy sombrero...
Which brought a smile to my face... or was that the tequila? Anywho it was fun until I realized that hat had been probably been worn by hundreds (thousands?) of unclean heads and might have (ugh) lice or something in it...
So I took it off and went back to watching out for stalking paparazzi...
And being Joe Cool... Then we did some more (blah, blah, blah blahblah) stuff and came home to leftovers for dinner. Tomorrow we meet up with Mom for a night on the town! All in all I had a great day and can hardly wait till next year at this special time! And I want to thank all my friends (especially Pam! (who is going to the dark side!!!)) who put this lunch together today for me. Thanks Guys!