Today I got a great breakfast! Well the thought was there... someone decided I needed the magic of sculptured eggs...

But the finished yummy breakfast was not exactly what the creator envisioned... but the thought made it the bestest breakfast ever!

And the kitchen prep crew kept everything moving and clean & tidy...

With the 19 on the temp-o-meter this morning it was time to drain the pipes... umm the garden pipes (you dirty minded readers you)... so I finished up some watering... (that is a hose...)

Funny that the strawberries are the last of the fall colors... And what with it only being about 40 when I went out... I dressed for the event (also worried about the stalking paparazzi!)

After the watering and the pipes (water pipes) draining ( get outta the gutter!) I went on to the exciting adventure of digging the last of the taters!
And considered planting the 180 tulips that HWMNBN bought me when we went to COSTCO the other day...

But I decided that the sore back had had enough and it was time for a late afternooner of Advil & cocktails... And then the BIG EVENT happened, a blogger that I read actually read my blog! This ranks just under the filming (my being discovered by HOLLYWOOD!) event and a few steps under the most wonderful attempt of angel eggs I have ever scene (seen) that happened in our very own home this early AM.
So there is a fire going in the woodstove, we are getting by on a pre-made dinner and visions of sugar plums (hot guys) will soon be dancing...
In our heads (the ones on our necks!)
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