Saturday, November 24, 2007


It dropped to 20 last night and was 22 when Mr. Grumpy left for work to be out in it all day. I need to get my fat ass outside and finish splitting the last of the rounds and start in on that steaming pile of shit... The garden will be very thankful come summer that I did it now, and there is a certain beauty to a frosty (freeze my fat ass off) morning...
But staying in has it's benefits too. Like I can catch up on my reading, I can get laundry done (while blogging!), I can spend quality time with the kids (and make sure the boys don't pee in the house!), and I can make sure our furnace is working...

We have the deluxe model box fan... it doubles as a heat exchanger in winter (to the bedrooms)and an air conditioner in summer (placed in a window)!

I could also start in on the Christmas decorations outside, but I hate it when my hands freeze to the ladder. After checking out Kelly's blog this morning and his bare ass out there hanging lights I would like to have a bit warmer weather. And don't worry Sue I will not be out there bare assed hanging lights! Speaking of neighbors...

Mr. Grumpy shared with me last night that some of his fellow workers (who know the MFMs) told him that these wonderful God loving (gay hating) neighbors of ours have said they will not rest until the world (neighborhood) is rid of us. You would think that if they were that sure that we are secretly trying to convert their sainted little bastards (breeding like rabbits) they would have done some groundwork and research before moving into this gayborhood. Like the fact that there are two of the sodomites living right next door to their hallowed homestead...

or the fact that that there is a lesbian living just down below them... or the fact that there are 2 lesbians living at the end of our street... MY GOD we have them surrounded! But it REALLY PISSES ME OFF that they can move in next door to us and be out there telling people that we do not belong in their neighborhood. And Mr. Grumpy gets after me when I wear my Polygamy T-shirt because it might offend them... PALEEAASSEE...

OK time to go work off some I hate the fucking neighbors energy that I just built up...

1 comment:

High Desert Living said...

I'm liking this neighborhood more all the time - now, if we could get rid of the newcomers! I don't think there's any danger of you 2 (make that 8..) leaving, but if you did, the neighborhood would suck big time!
And if you want a photo like Kelly's, let me know and I'll bring my camera!