Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I am enjoying working out of the house, I am surprised. It was not something I wanted to do, but I am finding that I can dictate my time and stay focused when I need to be. Perhaps it will change, but for now it works. It is cold out, 19 when we woke up at 6:00... The other half is home today, a day off... and we are both liking the times together more. I think a lot of pressure came off when I ran away to start my own business... it was time...
Life can be good and right now with the frost out in the garden, the other half cooking breakfast, and the doggies crashed out in the living room, life is good. It is funny that "other half" thing... But when you do find that one someone, something clicks, the walls we build to protect ourselves come down, we understand what love really means. The other day when I was thinking about peak oil and wondering how bad it could get and if this house is the right place to be. I thought "this is our home, how could I even think of another". But then it hit me, as long as we are together, that is where home is. Maybe that is why HWMNBN calls our suites on cruises and in hotels "our little home", he gets it, I needed time...

The Cascades are looking really nice as they deck themselves out in their winter finery, I love this time of year. There is magic, you can see it in the kids, you can see it in lover's eyes... Have a great day, breakfast is ready...


Creative Thinker said...

Thanks for the nice comment...It does get discouraging...maybe I will write an ad...good luck with the ghost -- I would love to have one myself...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a very content Bear to me!