Friday, November 16, 2007

The Shit Hits The Ground

Last night Max the owner of A to Z (need work done call Max @ 923-1631) called to say he could bring me some more rotted horse manure for the garden. As it is getting colder and the ground is going to get hard soon I (of course) said bring it on... so he did... and me being the great Kevbear that I am told him he could keep his clothes on for the usual jock-strap shot as it was getting cold when he arrived... So here is Max & the manure! Well rotted manure might I add... perfect for the veggie garden!
Of course I wanted more so Sunday Max said he will bring me more! Now it is raining out and I am not in the mood to start getting the shit down the hill to the garden. The doggies have said they would like to stay in bed all day...
But as you can tell from this post we all got up! Since it is raining out I thought today was a great day to get around to baking all the zucchini carrot breads that I have been meaning to do. So I got out all the ingredients and went out to the garage (pantry) to get some more brown sugar... what me out of brown sugar! Not Mr. 8 month food supply guy... it must be here somewheres???
And I would never keep it in the freezer???

I did move my 50+ pounds of flour to the ice chests (to keep mice away) so maybe I put it there? Have to go look...

Great news on the HWMNBN appearances... After him seeing Kelly's blog last night (on their 5 year anniversary) he agreed that he will now appear back on the blog. OK, so here is the WHAT THE FUCK post story... I live in a good space, not too worried about being a gay guy in rural central Oregon. My Other half, HWMNBN while living in the same house, in the same country, lives in a not so perfect world. Even though he works for the government (currently a dictatorship) he has been threatened at work and could loose his job over his being, well him... So he is what is known as being "in the closet" and it worries him that my being ME could put us in jeopardy. So that is what happened that night, he was removed from the blog, all pics, all references, to protect him. Thank you for all the kind calls & emails, no it was not about divorce, it was about being out & gay. See I have this (very firm) belief that if every gay person was actually out and their family & friends knew it... then everyone would realize that we are a substantial portion of the USA and most would get over it. But he is not willing to risk his employment over my belief in the inherent goodness of people... So here is the reappearance of Mr. Grumpy, the love of my life! Ummm he is the one on the left...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to read the update - "He's the one on the left" - love that. SO, I have called you and have not heard back - I passed my 30 hours and need a sig from you so I can reactivate. Call me.

Love, Hil